Monday, June 11, 2012

Easy Chicken Sandwich

I love Me some Him has got to be one of my top favorite Toni Braxton songs. Ohhh I love it. By the way this was on like the best album ever Secrets. Anyhoo no one sings anything like Toni does..ever.

*This meal was inspired by a 90 degree day where I did not feel like slaving over the stove for a long time.
I had a yummy croissant in the fridge, I was hungry and it was hot, so here's how it all went down!

I grabbed rosemary,olive oil,salt & crushed red pepper. I tossed them in a bowl and stirred them together.

I pounded out a chicken breast, and tossed it in to marinate for about 2 hrs.
Grab some herbed butter and a spot of olive oil and turn a med sized pan on med heat.After the meat has marinated sufficiently put the chicken in the pan and begin to cook.

First it will look like this, then after you cook it for about 9 mins it will look like this:

Ta- da it will be tender and delicious. Right about when the chicken is done put a few pieces of cheddar cheese upon the meat, turn the heat off and let the cheese melt.
The sandwich will then magically look like this. Do you know I could not eat this whole thing? I ate about %70 of it and saved the rest for breakfast. I cut the tail end of the the meat as well.When its hot I just don't eat like I normally do.Happy sandwiching!


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