Monday, January 10, 2011

BBQ Pizza

Guess what guys??I'm blogging from home for the first time!!!I had to go to Best Buy and rough them up.Read the story in my Mazel of the wk.

I made pizza comple
tely for scratch yesterday,it was fun! I was nervous because I have a baaad track record with yeast but it turned out really well.I used a Kansas City BBQ sauce recipe and I have no idea where I found it at.Here is a Kansas city recipe I found that similar to what I did use:
My recipe is a little more simple:
  • Sift together 1/4 TSP of all spice,cinnamon,mace,pepper and 1/2 TSP of curry powder,chili powder & paprika into a bowl
  • Stir in 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/2 TSP of hot sauce 1 cup of ketchup and 1/3 cup of molasses.(which I did not use after realizing I had none.I did however add 1 TSP of sugar to counteract the spice.)
  • Mix until well blended,its delish!
Click here here is the recipe for my crust
A few things about the crust:
*On the outer edge of the crust I brushed on some olive oil and garlic pepper.
*I would suggest a blind bake of about 10mins on the crust,just because smoked gouda burns easily and my crust (under the sauce) wasnt as done as the outer crust.
*The recipe will tell you to use 2/3 of a cup of water+2tbspn,you will need more.I used about half of a cup. Heres what I got:

Ok onto the not so nerve-wracking stuff!!The pizza toppings:I used a little less than a 4th of a white onion sliced it,seasoned it with olive oil,salt and pepper,uber easy!Put them in the oven on 370 for about 15mins until they loose their crunch.This is gonna sound crazy but I had a hard time not eating them right out the oven!
I then shredded a cup of smoked gouda ( my absolute favorite!!!!)and 1/2 cup of extra sharp cheddar cheese.Then everything goes on the pie.
Before: After:

Ok does this pizza look good or does it look gooood.I'm not bragging but I enjoyed it.
I know the pics aren't the best quality but blogging is new to me so hang in here with me!!

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